Book 1 – The Universal Order Of Creation Of Matters
Book 1 – The Universal Order Of Creation Of Matters

In this new book Mr. Keshe explains new and ground-breaking principles in the world of physics.

In July 2009 a new book, titled “The Universal Order of Creation of Matters” written by nuclear engineer Keshe, is published.

One of the topics discussed in this book is that how Matter, Antimatter and Dark Matter are created in the universe. What scientists at present call elementary particles (like quarks and so on) are themselves in fact collections of smaller magnetic fields, which in group as dynamic plasmatic magnetic fields and their interactions with other dynamic plasmatic magnetic fields, lead to creation of quarks and so forth.

Where in fact, what is called the mass of the quark, this in reality is created through the same method as the mass of any other object in the universe and is purely due to the interaction of constituent plasmatic magnetic fields within the center of the Matter.

Through tests done, where separation of these Matters of plasma in reactors were achieved, and, by using the effects of the interaction of plasmatic magnetic fields of Antimatters within the cores of reactors forces of magnitudes were created which are unknown in todays’ world of physics and industry.

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Book 2 – The Structure Of The Light
Book 2 – The Structure Of The Light

Following the publication of the last book “The universal order of creation of Matter” , and in opening a new horizon in the science of plasma and space technology, in this new book “The Structure of the Light” with the present knowledge in the plasma technology and the new understanding of the internal structure of the plasma, the light is and can be considered to be a cylindrical plasma, where the plasma of the light is in possession of all three magnetic fields strength of the matters of the plasma ( the principal, transition and the matter magnetic fields).

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Book 3 – The Origin Of The Universe
Book 3 – The Origin Of The Universe

As we are helping with series of books which have been published and are to be released, to build the full knowledge of the structure of the operation of the magnetic fields and their interactions in the world of creation for man to understand the entire process, one comes to the point that one has to explain different proportions of this entity in different levels of creation of the greater universe and not the man’s universe. In the first book the creation of matter, the operation and interaction of smaller fields, which leads to creation of matters was explained. In the second book we merely explained the method of travel of the collection of fields in the form of so called light. In this third book, I have explained further the operation and interaction of bigger cells of the same fields, which then leads to the creation of the man’s universe and more, and what is too much for man to understand with his present scientific knowledge, and he calls it the universe.

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Magravs-Power  Car System
Magravs-Power Car System

The Keshe Foundation is changing the world as we know it. A peaceful future with clean free energy is now a reality. With the use of magnetic-gravitational (Magravs) technology, power is transmitted via nano-coated copper. Nano layers absorb ambient plasma energy. Plasma energy is much more powerful and abundant than regular electricity. Plasma energy is found everywhere around us – in the air, our bodies, around the planet and in space. Through the nano layers this boundless energy is converted to usable energy that can power our homes, vehicles and much more! The Keshe Foundation — It is time for humanity to reconnect with the energetic plasma world!

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Magravs-Power  Universal System
Magravs-Power Universal System

The Keshe Foundation is changing the world as we know it. A peaceful future with clean free energy is now a reality. With the use of magnetic-gravitational (Magravs) technology, power is transmitted via nano-coated copper. Nano layers absorb ambient plasma energy. Plasma energy is  much more powerful and abundant than regular electricity. Plasma energy is found everywhere around us – in the air, our bodies, around the planet and in space. Through the nano layers this boundless energy is converted to usable energy that canpower our homes, vehicles and much more! The Keshe Foundation — It is time for humanity to reconnect with the energetic plasma world!

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Pain Pad, A new paradigm in pain relief
Pain Pad, A new paradigm in pain relief

The time of popping pills to relieve pain is over! Introducing the Keshe Pain Aid Pad. Using plasma technology, which is based on magnetic-gravitational field interaction, the pad emits plasma fields that penetrate up to 3cm below the skin, helping to bring the body back to balance. With its unique ergonomic design, which fits like a second skin, you can now enjoy comfort and well-being very quickly. The KFSSI Pain Aid Pad is made with adaptive elastics that conforms organically and comfortably to the contours of your body. Built from denier-500 nylon with hook-and-loop fasteners, The KFSSI Pain Aid Pad has no moving parts or batteries, making it lightweight, durable, easy to wear and quick to remove.

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Pain Pen, A new paradigm in pain relief
Pain Pen, A new paradigm in pain relief

The Keshe Pain Pen can be used to for the following:

• Reduce Muscular Pain, Tendinitis and

Acute & Chronic Tendovaginitis

• Improve Blood Circulation

• Increase Cell / Tissue Processing

• Alleviate Acute and Chronic Fatigue

• Reduce Compression’s Syndrome

• Alleviate Chronic Lower Back Pain

• Improve Acute and Chronic Back Pain

• Maintain the Spine in Normal Position

• Alleviate Sprains and Strains

• Reduce Wrist Pain and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

• Reduce Knee Pain

• Alleviate Overuse Syndrome

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